April 14, 2024

Great Cyber Security Solutions To Protect Your Online Business

The rise of businesses online has opened the door to new opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, there are also some downsides to the whole internet revolution like the increase in cyber crimes. Now, there are many different categories of crime which are conducted online, however, we’ll focus on the ones which threaten a business and how you can prevent them using the assistance of a cyber security company.

Cyber security is a highly demanded facility offered by different companies which help businesses maintain their data and obtain information unharmed from different hackers. See, hacking can lead to the manipulation of data and crucial records for any company and can jeopardise their employees and business. Thus, an individual must have proper security solutions to prevent such chaos.

So, let’s look at the role of data and network security firms in protecting your online business.

Key Highlights

  • Role of Cyber Security Company
  • Surveillance of the Company’s Whereabouts
  • Network Security to Protect Data in Transit
  • Assured Data and Network Security By Perilune Networks
  • FAQs Regarding the Data and Network Security Company

Role of Cyber Security Company for a Business

A good cyber security company provides different services which are necessary for the proper functioning of a firm. First of all, if you have an offline business, it’s crucial to have proper surveillance which not only protects your assets but also gives additional security to your partners or employees.

Secondly, proper access control is necessary for defining the roles of employees who can access the data inside the company. In addition, the most crucial aspect of cyber security is networking (where most data breaches occur). Other than that there are many other services which are offered by Perilune Networks and one should take a look at them as well.


A crucial component of a great security system is a firewall which helps safeguard the data over different networks. Some of the leading providers which you can find at Perilune Networks are given below:

  • FortiGate
  • Sophos
  • Symantec

Cloud Security.

To ensure the safety of the data on cloud storage, firms need the leading solutions. Therefore, investing in a quality cloud security network is essential for both the prevention and protection of data.

Data Security With Antiviruses.

Without data, nothing makes sense and any system can crumble if any sort of breach takes place. So make sure to protect your data using the leading software from the best manufacturers present in the industry. Some of the major collaborative names are given below:

  • McAfee
  • Norton
  • Kaspersky
  • Webroot Secure

Network Security.

The most crucial aspect of any security firm is networking. See, in most cases, the data breaches happen during the transit (from one server to another). Therefore, proper networking security is necessary by using leading encryption software so that your data is protected at every corner of the internet.

On top of that data security and network security promise to protect the data on both the server and across the internet.

Assured Data and Network Security By Perilune Networks

The many different facets of networking solutions should be implemented by an online business. In UAE, several companies offer network security; however, not many are of the calibre of Perilune Networks.

Our mission is to provide the best online security to business owners and ensure the safeguarding of their conduction. Some of the prominent services which you can from us are listed below.

  • Mobile Device Security
  • Email Resilience
  • End Point Security
  • Tech Support
  • Data Loss Prevention

Wrapping Up!.

These were some of the important cyber security solutions, necessary for a company. If you’re setting up your business in UAE, then visit Perilune Networks as our leading solutions will prove to be beneficial for protecting your business and boosting its safe growth.

Contact us today through any social media platform and we’ll be looking forward to working with you.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

Which is the best company for cyber security in the UAE?.

Perilune Networks is the leading company in cyber security in the UAE and promises to deliver high-end services to its clients.

What is a cyber security company?.

A cyber security company provides the leading solutions to the firm for preventing malicious attacks by a hacker on their sites.

How many cybersecurity companies are there?.

There are over 3500 cybersecurity companies in the world, most of them in the USA.

What are the 7 types of cyber security?.

The seven types of cyber security include:

  • Network Security
  • Endpoint
  • Information Security
  • Identity & Access Management
  • Cloud Security
  • Internet of Things
  • Mobile Security

What is network security and data security?.

Network and data security refers to the protection of data sent and received over a network by preventing the intervention of online hackers.

What is the difference between network security and information security?.

Network security protects data in transit whereas information security protects the data in a static state.

So, what are you waiting for?

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